Aya de Leon

author – activist – faculty – mom

Dear White People/Queridos Gringos: You Want Our Culture But You Don’t Want Us – Stop Colonizing The Day Of The Dead

IMG_9297Dear White People (or should I say Queridos Gringos/Gabachos),

Let me begin by saying it is completely natural that you would find yourself attracted to The Day of The Dead. This indigenous holiday from Mexico celebrates the loving connection between the living and our departed loved ones that is so deeply missing in Western culture. Who wouldn’t feel moved by intricately and lovingly built altars, beautifully painted skull faces, waterfalls of marigold flowers, fragrant sweet breads and delicious meals for those whom we miss sharing our earthly lives. I understand. Many cultures from around the world celebrate these things, and many of them at this time of year. As a woman whose Latin@ heritage is Puerto Rican, I have grown up in California, seeing this ritual all my life and feeling the ancestral kinship to this reverent, prayerful honoring of the departed.

Let me continue by saying that it is completely natural that you would want to participate in celebrating The Day of The Dead. You, like all human beings, have lineage, ancestors, departed family members. You have skulls under the skin of your own faces, bones beneath your flesh. Like all mortals, you seek ways to understand death, to befriend it, and celebrate it in the context of celebrating life and love.

I understand.

And in the tradition of indigenous peoples, Chican@ and Mexican-American communities have not told you not to come, not to join, not to celebrate your dead alongside them. In the tradition of indigenous peoples and of ceremony, you, in your own grief and missing your loved ones have not been turned away. You arrived at the Dia De Los Muertos ceremony shipwrecked, a refugee from a culture that suppresses grief, hides death, banishes it, celebrates it only in the most morbid ways—horror movies, violent television—death is dehumanized, without loving connection, without ceremony. You arrived at El Dia De Los Muertos like a Pilgrim, starving, unequal to survival in the land of grief, and the indigenous ceremonies fed you and took you in and revived you and made a place for you at the table.

And what have you done?

Like the Pilgrims, you have begun to take over, to gentrify and colonize this holiday for yourselves. I was shocked this year to find Day of the Dead events in my native Oakland Bay Area not only that were not organized by Chican@s or Mexican@s or Latin@s, but events with zero Latin@ artists participating, involved, consulted, paid, recognized, acknowledged, prayed with.

Certain announcements of some of this year’s celebrations conjured visions of hipsters drinking special holiday microbrews and listening to live music by white bands and eating white food in calavera facepaint and broken trails of marigolds. Don’t bother to build an altar because your celebration is an altar of death, a ceremony of killing culture by appropriation. Do you really not know how to sit at the table? To say thank you? To be a gracious guest?

This year, as midterm elections near and “immigration reform” gets bandied about on the lips of politicians, urban young white voters will wear skull faces and watch puppets with dancing skeleton bones, and party and drink and celebrate. But those same revelers will not think for a single second of deaths of Latin@s trying to cross a militarized border to escape from the deaths caused by NAFTA and CAFTA and US foreign policy and drug policies and dirty wars in Mexico and Central America. Amidst the celebration, there will be no thought for femicide in Juarez, for murdered and missing Indigenous women in North America. As they drink and dance in white-organized and dominated Dia De Los Muertos celebrations without a thought for us, except perhaps the cleaning or custodial staff that will clean up after them, we Latin@s learn what we learned in 1492 about the invaders: you want the golden treasures of our culture, but you don’t want us. Since then, white people have shown that they don’t value indigenous life, but are fascinated by indigenous spirituality.

Not all white people feel this way. Thank you to those of you who speak up against this. Thank you to all who boycott these events, support Latin@/Chican@/Mexican@-led events, hire our community’s artists, and hold the tradition with reverence. For those of you who haven’t been doing so, it’s not too late to start. Challenge white people who attempt to appropriate. Boycott their events and be noisy about it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to participate in this deeply human holiday, there’s something wrong with wanting to colonize.

And the urge to colonization is born when your own land and resources have been taken over by the greedy and your cultures have been bankrupted. Halloween has a rich history as an indigenous European holiday that celebrated many of the same themes as Day of the Dead, but you have let it be taken over by Wal-Mart. Now it’s about plastic decorations and cheap polyester costumes and young women having permission to wear sexy clothes without being slut-shamed and kids bingeing on candy. November first finds piles of plastic and synthetic junk headed to the landfill to litter the earth. You have abandoned Halloween, left it laying in the street like a trampled fright wig from the dollar store. Take back your holiday. Take back your own indigenous culture. Fight to reclaim your own spirituality.

Please. Stop colonizing ours.

2,148 comments on “Dear White People/Queridos Gringos: You Want Our Culture But You Don’t Want Us – Stop Colonizing The Day Of The Dead

  1. Jotoro Cujo
    July 30, 2018

    We are not gringos you beaner,spick ,wetback,bitch,cunt,hoe,whore,sjw,social justice warrior,libtard ,antifa,commie ,idiot,latrino,illegal,demorat,hispancunt ,borderhopper .we created Halloween on October thirty first three thousand plus years ago in Ireland and northern Ireland by Druids …Celtic pagan priests ,whites created Halloween first in the first place to begin with not you latrinos who are last ethnicity on the planet earth to live o the planet earth five hundred years plus years ago ,whites never stole your culture ,your traditions or your customs from and used with your consent when were not yours to begin with in the first place.it is not cultural appropriation in the first place to begin with…there were no other holidays like Halloween before Halloween three thousand plus years ago and after three thousand plus years ago Halloween is not yours to begin with in the first place . We are Aryans ,we are not committing cultural appropriation you are ..you have culture,no tradition,no customs,no civilization,no society,no lands to call home other then you borderhopping and invading the United States and Mexican border like an invasive species and a parasite ..you are all parasites and an invasive species not human .making you are making over ten children and screwing each other without protection including condoms and …getting pregnant over ten times and living on welfare to suck and work the system dry .

    • 5
      September 2, 2018

      I find myself drawn to observe Dia de los Muertos here as I live here in Arizona. I’ve spent years trying to connect to my cultures from broken fragments my people have abandoned, trying to understand. I appreciate your article. I appreciate you speaking to my people, reminding them to recover their own culture. This fool who left this comment, he is a lot like a lot of us. We’re twisted and contorted by cultureless whiteness. We’re raised to believe we are the default. We believe we are a mass, we are one. We are not. And as we realize this, as we lose this footing, we lash out like a spoiled child. You don’t need my apology, I have no guilt. But as a neighbor, as an American cousin, you have my embarrassment on behalf of my kin, and my wish that your holidays do not become erased as ours nearly have.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        February 2, 2019

        Iam not a fool Iam a truther you demorat beaner liker no Iam not .we are one ,we are a mass ,no whites are not only sellout degenerates are .no us whites are not contorted and twisted by cultureless whiteness which whites have a culture not Latrinos who have culture,no traditions,no customs,no place on earth to call home other then mexihellhole .we is whites are the default ..we us whites bodies are clays of the earth only your you latrinos bodies are cockroaches and locusts of destruction we us whites are the clays of the earth only not you latrinos . latrinos are the youngest ethnicity in the world .

      • Alice Now
        September 26, 2020

        Culture less whiteness? Wow that’s pretty ridiculous. Maybe your life is sad but not ours

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 27, 2020

        my life not sad yours is whites are not cultureless there is no cultureless whiteness .

    • bigmamamojo
      September 4, 2018

      I think you need to adjust your medication. Whatever you’re taking isn’t really working for you.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        February 2, 2019

        No they donot ,Iam feeling fine and Iam fine .you need to go kill yourself ,you need to be put in a concentration camp in a gas chamber to be gassed to be exterminated.it is working for me .you need to stop snooping and nosing around where it doesnot belong .

    • HelloWorld
      October 26, 2018

      Actually, when you research the origins of both Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, it is in fact that Dia de los Muertos originated during the Aztec time, one thousand years before Halloween was created. Therefore, Dia de los Muertos was created first, however, both holidays have completely different cultural significances. Instead of making racial slurs behind a keyboard to mask your own insecurities and ignorance, why don’t you pick up a book once in a while and gain some knowledge?

      • Jotoro Cujo
        February 2, 2019

        No I know about Halloween more then do .I donot have ignorance or insecurities like you .halloween was created two years before dia los did murte not one thousand years earlier Aztecs did not create dia los de murte before Halloween celts did three thousand years ago and two thousand years before Aztecs every existed .iam not masking anything you are .halloween was created first not dia los de murte which was created last .no I donot have to I know it .donot tell me what to do jewboy or dirty filthy Jew ,kike .I read more then you do then don’t you stop being a dirty filthy Jew ,Jewboy ,kike then ?,celts were first not Aztecs were last .I can do whatever I want when ever I want you dirty filthy Jew ,kike,Jewboy . You have proof or evidence to prove it.you should be in a concentration camp in the gas chamber to be gassed to be exterminated.why don’t go kill yourself ?,Aryans are superior then you dirty filthy Jews ,kikes ,Jewboys .why don’t stop snooping or nosing around with your big Jew nose where it doesnot belong ?,you donot tell me what to .

      • Jotoro Cujo
        February 2, 2019

        Iam not behind a keyboard you dirty filthy Jew,kike ,Jewboy stop nosing around with your big Jew nose and your antifa ,commie ,demorat ,SJW social justice idiocy warrior vile Jew sorcery and vile Jewry where it doesnot belong and shove it up your dirty filthy Jew ,kike ,Jewboy ass ,nice try dirty filthy Jew ,kike ,Jewboy ass.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        February 2, 2019

        Iam not using racial slurs Iam telling the truth which dirty,filthy Jews,kikes ,Jewboys cannot tell properly without being forced to .no I donot have to you I read everyday .you are a beaner lover .

    • pissedoff
      October 2, 2019

      u are a true idiot. Halloween is NOT the same as day of the dead. you fucktard

      • Jotoro cujo
        September 24, 2020

        Iam not an idiot you moronic leftard antifard I know day of the day is not same as Halloween you donot know that because of your leftards antifard teachings.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 24, 2020

        Iam not a true idiot or a fucktard you are one not me you leftard antifard kike beaner lover I know Halloween is not same as the day of dead I know my history.

    • reuben
      October 10, 2019

      Day of the Dead is not Halloween. Learn facts before spewing your racist vomit.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 27, 2020

        It is not racism vomit or is facts .I donot have to learn before I type I know facts .

    • Scott Shamblin
      October 10, 2019

      Wow, the racism of Joturo Cujo

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 25, 2020

        it is not racism it is facts .

    • Ignacio Ceja
      October 11, 2019

      To begin with, you’re a fucking idiot. “We” created shit. Samhain, observed by the Celts, marked summer’s end in Ireland. And when she was addressing the Halloween tradition in the article, she was addressing whites, not Hispanics. But since you’re barely literate, you wouldn’t know that. I could go on, but I think it would take too long for you to process what I’ve written thus far.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        Iam literate not barely literate you are Iam not barely literate and not an idiot you are .I know that you donot know that I can process it easily in a shorter time period what you written you are just as barely literate as those newly arrived fresh off the boat immigrants that just immigrated here recently and individuals with an IQ below eighty with a cognitive functioning of a little underage minor child that can take a long time to process what you written .

    • Lupe
      October 11, 2019

      Learn how to write and put your ideas together if that is even possible for you to do. You sound like a teen troll. There is nothing else to do than laugh at your stupidity and ignorance.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 27, 2020

        I donot have to learn to write and put together my ideas I know to write and put together my ideas .I donot sound like a teen troll you sound like an antifatard, leftard beaner bitch .I donot have stupid or ignorance I hate your leftard, antifatard ideology .

    • Nicole
      October 12, 2019

      I’m all for expressing opinion, but this is downright offensive.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 20, 2021

        My reply is not down offensive oh ,what a big crybaby pussy ninny pansy weakling leftard antifard ,soyboy ,soyviet want to cry ? if you do not like leave and go to whatever third world hellhole ,shithole you ancestors ,family , family members, relatives ,grandparents,great-grandparents ,parents ,you came from originally and live in a tarpaper shack .

      • Alicenow52
        October 20, 2021

        Uggh get out

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 22, 2021

        Do not tell me to get or say uggh bitch

    • Nicole
      October 12, 2019

      I’m all for expressing opinion, but your reply to this article is downright offensive.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 24, 2020

        My reply is not down offensive oh ,what a big crybaby pussy ninny pansy weakling leftard antifard ,want to cry ?

    • Carla Capineri
      October 12, 2019

      Shut up, you ignorant troglodyte! You don’t speak for anyone other than pathetic, INCEL loser MAGAts that are a massive waste of oxygen with no purpose existing on this planet! Go CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR ROCK, TROLL!

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        we are not pathetic losers ,incels, MAGAts you are all pathetic losers ,incels ,demorats not us Republicans, conservatives ,patriots .Iam not a troll you are a man-hating ,carpet-munching bitch, I donot come from under a rock or live under a rock go live in your parents’s basement.no I donot have to shut up you should your man-hating ,carpet-munching lesbo ,dyke bitch ,Karen pie hole donot tell me what to go back to your shit-hole mexihell .Iam not ignorant you are Iam not a troglodyte you are a subhuman ,genetically inferior cockroach ,shit-skinned ,beaner ,spick ,wetback ,illegal .Iam not a massive waste of oxygen you are on this planet and this country with no purpose existing, immigrating to this country and this planet .I speak for anyone and everyone including Republicans,conservatives,patriots you donot speak for everyone except pathetic, incel anti-white demorats .donot tell me I donot speak for everyone and anyone when you donot .

    • S Valis
      October 12, 2019

      Wow. She hit all nails on the head. Bravo!

    • jwycoff45
      October 12, 2019

      What a horrible, hate-filled, ignorant rant. You embarrass all white people and I apologize to anyone who has read this, regardless of their ethnicity or culture.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 24, 2020

        it is not a horrible ignorant hate filled rant it is facts be quiet you mother Teresa pedo

      • Alice Now
        September 24, 2020

        Mother Teresa pedo?? No hate there, dude. Facts are facts.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 25, 2020

        I donot embarrass all Aryans .because Roman Catholics are pedos .there is tons of hate against us Aryans and national socialists because of those
        Mother Theresa Roman Catholic pedos from likes of her and you facts are those not facts are facts cop out it is not facts ir is hate against us Aryans and national socialists.

      • Alice Now
        September 26, 2020

        Lmao so many misspelled words and grammatical faux pas. Roman Catholics are not pedos, you fool. What an ignorant post!

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        there is no grammatical faux pas my grammar is great there is no misspelled words my words are spelled right.Iam not a fool you are one .it is facts not an ignorant post .roman Catholics are pedos who prey on young children under thirteen .

    • Axel
      October 13, 2019

      Joturo Cujo your response is shit, you are an ignorant racist piece of shit

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 24, 2020

        My response is factual not shit yours is ..Iam not an ignorant racist piece of shit you are a leftard antifard domestic terrorist .

    • cneajna
      October 13, 2019

      Nice way to show your ignorance…. the rest of us are laughing at you. Dia de Los Muertos is NOT “Halloween” – or anything LIKE Halloween. But calling yourself an “Aryan” says more about you than it does about those who celebrate Dia de Los Muertos. You’re a racist pig. (I don’t need to list 15 different insults to get my point across). PS. Your “English” sucks too! Unless that wasn’t English you were attempting to type and just some form of caveman ie troglodyte, neanderthal. Or maybe…. Homo heidelbergensis lived on Earth between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago. They emerged from Africa. Earliest of your ancestors. Enjoy your sad little life … oh, btw, your hood and robe are ready for pickup at the dry cleaners.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        I donot wear a hood or a robe or have a good or a robe you demorats wear a hood and a robe because your political party started the Ku Klux Klan because you are a racist ,anti-white who hates blacks and them back on plantations for slavery while we saved ,freed, emancipated ,liberated blacks from plantations and slave masters because you lost the civil war in the mid eighteen sixties in the mid nineteenth century not us Republicans,conservatives we were a left winged anti-racist ,progressive political party until it changed for us who came more conservative and right-winged and demorats who came more left winged and anti-white your political party were a right winged racist political party cult in the nineteenth century and want .Iam not apart of the Ku Klux Klan or a member apart of ,affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan you are apart of and affiliated with the Ku Klux Karen with your man-hating typical neurotypical man-hating feminazi Karen, “can I to speak with your manger?” haircut because you cannot get dick from a man because of your inadequacy and your typical neurotypical man-hating Karen feminazi attitude you are because your political party started because you lost the civil war in the mid eighteen sixties in the mid nineteen century .my English does not suck my English is perfect it is not troglodyte ,cavemen ,neanderthal,Homo Heidelbergensis it is perfect English who are not earliest of my ancestors who never came out of Africa who were not earliest of my ancestors or my ancestors at all who only just came from Mount Olympus on Altantis from only just Altanteans they are your just only ancestors who were apes and fish .my life is not sad and little yours is because you cannot get dick from a man because you are a Karen with your Karen feminazi ,”I can to speak to your manger haircut?”and typical neurotypical Karen man-hating feminazi attitude and inadequacy .we are the people’s party ,the party of the people ,by the people and of the people we are still more progressive, anti-racist then your and party ever were .it is an Aryan technology you are using technically, actually us Aryans invented ,created you should be using it because your ethnicity did invent it or create it .Iam not a racist pig you are an anti-white demorat .I donot have ignorance or Iam not showing any ignorance .I know that already which you latrinos stole from us Aryans Samhain our Halloween in Northern Ireland and Ireland.my life is not sad or little your life is because you have no man in your life or get dick from no man in your life.they not insults they are labels .you are a man-hating carpet-munching lesbo ,dyke, .,feminazi Karen

    • Fran Frain Aguirre
      October 13, 2019

      I am of Irish ancestry also. I do not agree with the person above who just vilified indigenous cultures! Do you have any idea what the word Halloween means? een means evening and hallow means holy. This day may go way back to the beginning of Christianity. –just about 2000 years! The indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere go back some 10 thousand years or more. Why do we think in either or terms? Why not think in also terms and inclusive terms? We all will die and we all need to remember that we are all human. I could go on about the history of white male land owners in the U.S. Why can we not simply appreciate each culture? I didn’t know we were in competition with each other!

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 28, 2020

        I did not vilify indigenous cultures you are promoting multiculturalism which does not work Iam promoting white nationalism and national socialism .

    • Pat Hardwick
      October 13, 2019

      Dia de los Muertos is NOT the same as Halloween. You might want to research the history of Halloween and its connection to The Feast of All Souls. Your comment is so filled with hate , falsehoods, and generalizations that I, definitely a gringa, find it cringe-worthy. Surely you can’t be for real. You must be an internet troll. No one can be this nasty.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 27, 2020

        My comment is not full of hate,lies and falsehoods,generalizations it is full of facts .Iam not an internet troll .I know that already .I know a lot about Halloween and it’s to the feast of souls as well as Samhain I donot have to do research on Halloween and it’s connection to Samhain and the feast of souls I know about it.

    • Ramon
      October 13, 2019

      Get off the crack you fuck head…

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 25, 2020

        Iam not on crack you are illegally here and on crack you latrino I donot smoke crack or do other illegal drugs you beaner .Iam not a fuckhead you are go suck a dick for Tyrone ,big Bubba even Jose your gay lovers .

    • rosereads
      October 13, 2019

      You do not honor your ancestors by speaking to her in this manner. You do not honor anyone by speaking such hatred.

      Halloween and the Day of the Dead are two different holidays which take place at the waning of the year; a natural time of year to celebrate those that have passed on when the seasons changes and the light becomes less abundant.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 29, 2020

        I honor my ancestors by speaking to her the way I want to .I honor anyone with observation and facts not hate .

    • Teresa
      October 13, 2019

      Día de los muertos is not on the 31st of October. Oops?

    • Jotoro Isadick
      October 14, 2019

      Fuck YOU too

      • Martin
        November 4, 2019

        Fuck you

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 25, 2020

        Go suck a dick for your gay lovers big bubba ,Tyrone and Jose

    • Jotoro Isakkkunt
      October 14, 2019

      Always nice to hear what an ignorant KKKunt has to say

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 19, 2020

        Iam not an ignorant KKKunt you are one

    • virgil sampson
      October 14, 2019

      i feel bad for you that someone in your life that thought they loved you, taught you how to hate in such a disrespectful way. to try and make your fellow human being feel so unwanted and not valued. that kind of hate is so unwelcome everywhere now days. you must be very tired and or have become so used of carrying your hate. life is to short pal, i hope you find some sort of peace before you die

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 28, 2020

        it is not hate it is facts .I donot carry hate around on my shoulders. Iam not tire of my national socialist and white nationalist pride .it is not in a disrespectful way .I donot have hate in my heart or a hateful bone anywhere in my body .I embraced my white identity and my national socialist identity first then my American identity last .I donot have hate .I believe racial,ethnic pride as well as nationalist pride comes first then national pride comes last that one race should be above all in the world as well as one nation a,one country as one political ideology in political party should be above all nations,countries,races ,racial groups,ethnic groups,ethnicities,political parties ,political ideologies should above all in the world anyone that believes otherwise is a fool or foolish to believe multiculturalism in western civilization in western society in western countries, western nations in European nations,European countries ,in European settler nations,European settler countries founded by whites for whites of whites will not work when would not because of an agenda by international Jewry and European Jewry as well as the Federal Reserve ,the Illuminati, Freemasonry ,the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,Judeo-Bolsheviks ,the state of Israel ,international banking corporations, international, banking corporation franchises, international banking companies, international banking company corporations ,globalism to take down white nationalism, national socialism ,white identity,,western society, western civilization ,European nations,European countries,European settler nations,European settler countries founded by whites for whites of whites .

    • Kirsten
      October 14, 2019

      I’m sorry but your comments are horrible and unnecessary. She has valid observations that deserve thoughtful consideration and reflection. Comments like yours discredit and shame caucasians.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        My comments are not horrible my comments are actual observation, facts that deserve thoughtful consideration and reflect while her’s were hate not fact not actual observations that donot deserve thoughtful reflection and consideration but .my comments donot shame or discredit Aryans which Aryans are not caucasians not inhabitants of the caucas mountains in the trans caucas mountains in caucasia in west Asia not Aryans of Europe of European descent which we technically, actually are. it is a pseudo intellectual label slapped on by pseudo intellectuals of old

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        My comments are not horrible my comments are actual observation, facts that deserve thoughtful consideration and reflect while her’s were hate not fact not actual observations that donot deserve thoughtful reflection and consideration but .my comments donot shame or discredit Aryans which Aryans are not caucasians not inhabitants of the caucas mountains in the trans caucas mountains in caucasia in west Asia not Aryans of Europe of European descent which we technically, actually are .it is a pseudo intellectual label slapped on by pseudo intellectuals of old

    • marianwhit
      October 15, 2019

      Wow…in your hateful rage you completely missed the point. You could have made your points in a reasonable way (it is called discourse, which is NOT what you are doing), an we could have explored this interesting topic. But instead, you chose to be the monster.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 27, 2020

        I did not choose to be the monster the world shaped me differently.I did not miss the point .it was not a hate filled rage it was my two cents I put in

    • Tina
      October 15, 2019

      This is Turtle Island, from the North pole to the southern part of this Island and we should all have a right to live peacefully here with not having borders to discriminate. First Nations have suffered from the very beginning.

    • Raquel Martinez
      October 17, 2019

      You really need to research Mayan history.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 19, 2020

        I donot have to research Mayan history when I know Mayan as well as Celtic history .you should research Celtic history.

    • r animous
      October 28, 2019

      hey joturo why you using japanese anime as your white power name? lol. asshole thinks hes an asian cartoon.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        I donot think Iam asian cartoon when it is an American cartoon on toonmani on adult swim on cartoon network , because I like Jo Jo ‘s bizarre adventures .Iam an asshole you are .it is my name it has nothing to do with white power.

    • Bianca
      October 30, 2019

      This article is not about Halloween, nor are there any claims that Halloween was taken from Dia de Los Muertos. I’m sure you’ll be able to read better when you remove your hatred and racism from your poisoned mind. Also, check your meds, they seemed to have stopped working.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 28, 2020

        I donot have hatred or racism .my mind is not poisoned yours is you be able to read better once you get dick and get rid of your far leftard antifatard ideology .I donot have to check my meds Iam fine mentally speaking you should check your meds not mine.they are working not stopped working .Iam fine with my meds bitch ,cunt ,whore .

    • CiceroJohnny
      October 31, 2019

      Thank you showing us all the hatred that permeates your life force. I pray you are dying and a Latino Dr.is the one face you see that saves you. I pray the blood transfusion you need desperately to stay alive is from NON ARYAN people.
      Bigotry is rampant as is racism.
      You are the greatest example of this

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 28, 2020

        Iam not an example of racism or bigotry you are. Iam not showing that hatred does permeates the life force when give vigor to the life force.you are an example of leftism gone amok when left permeates the life force of those affected

    • Clifford
      November 1, 2019

      Wow, as much as I disagree with the author, your post proves how vile of a piece of shit you are. Your opinion is worth less than the shit on my shoe you racist slime.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 19, 2020

        Iam not racism slime you are a beaner ,latrino lover .Iam not a vile piece of shit Iam a better person then you are .my opinion is worth more then poop on your shoe it is worth many opinions.

    • littlemissheartily
      November 2, 2019

      You realize other cultures have had celebrations for the dead for centuries, right? White people didn’t invent everything, but when you’re unashamed of your blatant racism, I guess facts don’t matter. You really should open a damn history book, but I understand if the big words are too hard and confusing for you. In the meantime, you should get back to the trailer park. Your sister can’t raise those incest babies on her own now, can she?

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 19, 2020

        I donot do incest with my sister or have incest children with my sister .I donot live in a trailer park and you have incest children having incest with your dad .I live in suburbs near the city with not with my sister .big words are not hard or confusing for me.I donot have racism it is facts not racism .I donot have open a history book you should.you are anti-white and a leftard antifatard stooge .leave my sister and family out of this you carpet-munching dyke lesbo leftard antifatard whore, bitch ,cunt .facts matter .I know that already donot rub it in my face .you munch carpet on women because you cannot get dick you are apart of the Ku Klux Karen with that can I get your manger ?,haircut .

    • BhadbabieA
      November 3, 2019

      First off Halloween and Dia de los Muertos are two different holidays and are for two very different reasons!!!! As for your vulgarity towards Hispanics your are in NO position to name call… gringo is their word for non-Hispanics/white people…. Learn b4 you discriminate! And this post is pretty right bc you know what y’all ALWAYS tryna find ways to get non-white people out of the United States but always taking their holidays as your own

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 19, 2020

        I know that already donot rub in my face .Iam in the position to do so you are not .Iam not discriminating anyone you are towards you are anti-white you hate whites .we are not trying to get nonwhites out of the United States you are trying to inport nonwhites ,illegal aliens,illegal immigrants into the United States .we are not trying to take their holidays either you trying to take our holidays and ruin them with your leftism .I donot have vulgarity towards Hispancunts you have vulgarity towards whites .no I donot have learn you should learn before you speak about whites when Iam not discriminating against Hispancunts .this post is wrong not right .I have the right to name and Iam in the position to name call .it is you all not y’all use proper English.

    • Ashlyn Fiach Nemain
      November 3, 2019

      How dare you treat someone like that in the name of MY ancestors, you racist piece of trash.

      Unless your family is from IRAN then you most certainly are NOT an Aryan, and to claim that as a damned Nazi is not just cultural appropriation, but racial appropriation.

      Mexican and Central American culture are not appropriations, given that their culture rose out of the ashes of the ancient Mayan, Aztec, Toltec and other indigenous civilizations of that region. Cultures that refused to die even after the brutal attempts of the Spaniards and other European nations that tried so hard to stamp them out.

      And no, Halloween was most certainly NOT created by the ancient Celts, it was created by the Catholic church as an appropriation of the traditional SAMHAIN practices of the areas they were trying to forcefully convert.

      Every single culture in the world has had some form of holy days to honor the dead, not just European cultures. Try to actually learn something about other cultures before you open your mouth and show how willfully ignorant you really are. And don’t you EVER try to speak on behalf of the rest of us white people.

      Also, “Gringo” just means WHITE PERSON, so if your skin is white, which I would assume given your disgusting claim of being Aryan in the vein of Nazi propagando, then you ARE a gringo.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 26, 2020

        Iam not an ignorant racist piece of trash you leftard antifatard .Iam aryan because my ancestors came from northern Europe ,central Europe on the northern Eurasian plains of central Europe and northern Europe anyone from Iran are Iranians ,Persians ,Medians ,Elamites middle easterners,near easterners from the Middle East ,the near East in west Asia west of Mesopotamia descendants of middle eastern ,near eastern,Anatolian farmers not Aryans of northern Europe ,central Europe on the northern Eurasian plains who came from Germanics ,Nordics ,and are Nordics,Germanics by blood ,by geneticas,biology,hereditary, by race,by racial group ,by ethnicity ,by ethnic group ,by phenotype , by genotype, by culture, DNA ,by chromosomes, by genotype,by culture,by cultural group ,by .haplogroup , by genetic, biological, hereditary, chromosomal ,racial ,ethnic,cultural, phenotypical, genotypical .bloodlines it is not cultural appropriation or racial appropriation it is my culture ,my biological,cultural,genetic,chromosomal race brethren, my genetic,biological,cultural,phenotypical ,genotypical ,hereditary kin not their culture or race in the first place to begin with. Iam not claiming so I have proof ,evidence Iam an Aryan by blood ,by biology, by DNA ,by genes ,by genetics,by chromosomes, by phenotype,by genotype,by hereditary,by heritage, by race ,by racial group ,by ethnicity,by ethnic group, by culture ,by cultural group ,by haplogroup ,by genetic ,hereditary, biological ,chromosomal ,cultural ,ethnic, racial ,by blood type ,genotypical ,phenotypical ,heritage bloodlines .my Celtic ancestors created Halloween in Ireland three millennia ago many centuries and millennia before Mayans ,Aztecs,Toltecs and other American Indian Indios tribes and civilization ,appeared,stole it and apportioned which is technically, actually Samhain created by my Celtic ancestors not the Roman Catholic Church ,itself not American Indians Indios including Aztecs Mayans ,Toltecs ,other American Indian Indios tribes and civilizations themselves that appeared from ashes of olmecs who were appropriating it on purpose when it is appropriation by them when other cultures donot have their own their holy days to honor the dead when Aryans just only do .it was not apportioned by the Roman Catholic church itself by the third Rome the Roman Catholic Church made by the whore ,the harlot of Babylon herself representing Freemasonry and the Illuminati on the beast representing Satan the devil ,Mephistopheles, Lucifer the morning star, Baphomet the goat of Mendes himself worshipped by knight templars in the fourteen century ,with ten heads ten Germanic barbarian tribes from Germany who settled across the former western Roman Empire , seven horns representing seven hills surrounding around Rome ,the Vatican ,Jerusalem, the head of a lion represents the United Kingdom ,the body of a leopard representing Italy , paws of a bear representing Russia which the feet of the statue of king Nebuchadnezzer descendant of Shem the second the king of Babylon now Iraq the son of King Nebuchadneezer the first descendant of Shem the king of Babylon now Iraq in the Old Testament in the Bible and the Torah during ancient classical antiquity in Daniel’s dream the head of the statue is gold representing Assyria,Babylon ,Chaldea ,Akkadia now Iraq ,arms and the chest are silver ,representing Persia and Media now Iran legs are iron representing Rome and Byzantium now Greece and Italy ,the feet are a mix of iron and clay representing the new third Rome the Roman Catholic Church in the Vatican in Italy and Italy .I can open mouth my if want to ..Iam not willfully ignorant of other cultures .I donot have to learn about other cultures before I open my mouth I know more about other cultures and history Iam not willfully ignorant of other cultures you are .donot tell me what to do you should learn real history not pseudo history propaganda before you open your pie hole and show how much of a whiny ,butt hurt ,butt sore cry baby ,ninny ,pussy, wussy ,pansy you are .I can say whatever I want whenever I want to ..you are a leftard, Antifatard domestic terrorist piece of white trash ,trailer trash ,far left militant leftard antifatard commie sellout shill, puppet ,muppet ,pawn , hack ,bozo ,clown, stooge ,slave ,servant domestic terrorist along the rest of them who votes for those far left radical fringe extremist demorat treasonous traitors into office when elections come around on election day .want to cry?,Iam not a Nazi Iam a national socialist there is a difference between national socialists and nazis .nazi is a slur ,a an epithet against us national socialists used by you antifatards, leftards ,demorats who are nazis not us national socialists .it is not disgusting it is factual.it is proven not a claim .gringo does not mean white gringos can any race or skin color gringo means foreigner regardless of race or skin color in Spanish in many Latin American countries not white .I donot any have gringo blood in me anywhere Iam an Aryan not a gringo.it is nazi propaganda it is facts ..gringo is a slur ,an epithet against us foreigners by willfully ignorant, racist ,xenophobic latrinos .

    • Martin
      November 4, 2019

      yo fuck you @jotoro you a joto for real

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 24, 2020

        Go pull a Robin Williams . yes Iam .

    • Heather Nic An Fhleisdeir
      November 4, 2019

      Halloween is a Christian holiday: All Hallows Eve, followed by All Saints Day and the All Souls Day. The calendar they are on is called the Gregorian Calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory in October 1582.

      The pre-Christian holiday of Celtic people before that was, and still is Samhain, lasts a fortnight (fourteen days) and culminates in the full moon, which changes when it falls on the Gregorian calendar each year. And Aryans have nothing to do with this. Those are Indo-Iranian people. The fact that you don’t know any of this proves her point. So as a Druid myself: sit down, shut your filthy disrespectful mouth and learn about your own culture, then practice it, over and over again for a lifetime before you speak about or to another about it.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 19, 2020

        I donot have shut my mouth you should shut your leftard ,antifatard stooge pie hole .my mouth is not filthy,disrespectful my mouth is respectful clean .I donot have to sit down you should.I can say whatever I want whenever I want .I donot have to learn about my own culture and practice it over and over for a lifetime speak about until their filthy,stupid culture or another filthy,stupid culture..Aryans have everything to do with it they are Germanics ,Nordics from central Europe and northern Europe not Indo-Iranians from Iran from the Middle East ,the near East in west Asia.it does not prove her point .Aryans were in the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang Province in northwest China in western China where they found red head ginger mummies as well as on the Canary Islands in the northeast Atlantic Ocean in the eastern Atlantic Ocean in Macronesia off the coast of the Maghreb in northwest Africa in the western Sahara Desert in the western Sahel where found blonde mummies along with Semitic ,middle eastern,near eastern ,west Asian ,Aryan statues of bearded long nosed men in central America,South America,MesoAmerica,AridoAmerica ,OasisAmerica in Latin America even in caves in the Midwest ,the east coast left behind by Aryans ,Phoenicians,Carthaginians many centuries and millennia ago even blonde and red head ginger Aryan mummies in Siberia and central Asia.

    • DIO
      November 7, 2019

      Ok Boomer

    • Naugfly
      November 3, 2020

      omg. you suck. just shut up and bother your Aunt Mama. Hateful people like you are part of the reason everybody hates white people

      • Alice Now
        November 3, 2020

        Naugfly. Jototo is mentally ill and vile but no,everyone does not hate white people. He doesn’t represent us.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        November 3, 2020

        I donot suck you suck Iam awesome .i donot have an aunt mama you obviously because you are inbred no Iam apart of the reason while everybody hates whites you are racist everybody SJWs I donot have to shut up you should shut your pie hole bitch Iam not hateful you we are not hateful individuals we are race realists ,white nationalists ,national socialists.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        November 3, 2020

        Iam not mentally ill Iam fine Iam a good individual not vile you are ,you are mentally stupid with a low IQ of a negroid I represent whites you donot represent us either

    • Justin D O'Reilly
      April 2, 2023

      You’re not a gringo anyway. You have to qualify as human first, and you FAILED that test hard. All you are at best is some booger that has access to a keyboard and you’re sliming all over it. Fuckin GERM.

    • Justin D O'Reilly
      April 2, 2023

      You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit your shriveled up microscopic cock off.

    • Justin D O'Reilly
      April 2, 2023

      Wait…being gassed with Zyklon B is working for you? Is that seriously what you just said? Ummm…I think an asylum somewhere is missing a patient. Somewhere, a rubber room is empty that isn’t supposed to be. No more day passes for you, fucko.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        April 12, 2023

        Do not call me a Fucko you albeistic asshole

  2. Drew Michaud
    September 16, 2018

    I’m in no way trying to offend anyone or disrespect the Holliday or the Mexican community and their culture.
    I have always admired the celebrations of day of the dead. I am white, but I am wondering if there’s anyway to respectfully celebrate this Holliday. I don’t want to “colonize” it or make it white. I just was wondering if there’s anyway I can respectfully celebrate Dia De Los Muertos.
    I’m sorry if I offended anyone.

    • Scott Shamblin
      October 10, 2019

      Exactly. I live in Mexico. I go with a Mexican friend to his family’s graveyard and celebrate their loved ones with them.

    • Lawrence Staples
      October 14, 2019

      This dumbass doesn’t speak for us, We are not a victim culture… Join us, Wear a sombrero, and drink with us, No one in our family will fuck with you, This chick is probably soms BLM activist ashamed because she is too chicano to be enough of a victim so she is dragging this bullshit to our culture.

    • thegeekygaeilgeoir
      October 16, 2019

      The writer actually addresses this. It’s not the people who observe the holiday respectfully, with an understanding of the culture, who are the problem. It’s the people who want to turn it into some kind of skeleton-filled St. Patrick’s Day who are the problem. I suspect that, if you observe with due reverence, and really try to understand the culture, you will be welcomed. Perhaps if there are any Latino-led observances in your area that are open to the public, you could attend and observe.

  3. Mari
    October 26, 2018

    Thank you for your beautifully written post. Being white, but having grown up in and around Latin cultures (Panama, and south Texas), seeing the traction that the Day of the Dead has gained in predominantly white communities has unsettled me. The connection to honoring deceased loved ones does not exist in these displays, and they just feel wrong…because they are wrong.

    • alicenow
      October 26, 2018

      Mari, have you gone into all those people’s houses to check if they honor relatives or not? No, the displays are not wrong anymore than atheists celebrating Christmas is wrong. Do you despise Japanese who celebrate the trappings of Christmas without being Christian?

    • Hayley
      October 13, 2019

      I think the author was saying that if you go to celebrations that are set up, and include the actual latinx people running things, performing the music, providing the food, buying your supplies from those people instead of supporting white-washed soul versions then you are welcome. At least that’s what I got from the article.

  4. Sierra
    October 27, 2018

    We can’t celebrate “your” holiday because we’re white? I live in San Diego. It’s impossible to avoid these events. What am I supposed to do, stay home for a week after Halloween? Or should I get out there and learn something about my neighbors and friends? I think the people you need to be angry at are the white people who DON’T want this celebrated in the U.S., and who want hispanics to “go back where you came from,” NOT the people who are accepting and open to learn more about another culture. Does this mean I have to stay home during Chinese New Year, too? I wouldn’t want to accidentally appropriate their culture by buying a pork bun at the park that day. Get off your high horse. There are bigger issues in this country for brown folks than the people who are actually trying to be on your side. It is absolutely racist to say that people of any color can’t participate in something due to their color. These events you are complaining about are attempts at support and solidarity for a group who make up an enormous part of our own American culture. If you want to see more events organized by Mexican-Americans, then be the change you want to see in the world. Until then, stop antagonizing the people who are enthusiastic about learning about your culture. The point of all cultural events celebrated in the U.S., is to gain acceptance by bringing people together through celebration and education. Dia de los Muertos is now just another ingredient in the melting pot, just like many holidays before it.

    • alicenow
      October 27, 2018

      Thank you, Sierra

    • Laura B.
      October 30, 2018

      She did NOT say we couldn’t celebrate because we’re white.

      She asked us IF we are white and intending on participating not to forget the history of the holiday, the people it came from, or the indigenous family we have tragically lost due to racism, persecution, and colonizalization, and especially not to forget the people who are still struggling because of those things.

      • alicenow
        September 14, 2019

        Really? Cuz it sure sounds like it. How can anyone in public know someone’s own private dealings? I have a skull purse like Dia de los Muertos and people have given me the eye. I don’t care. I like it AND I have a huge table set up in my dining room near the 31st with half Halloween and half Dia. I don’t just take one day and that is it. Anyway, St. Patrick’s Day was never a big holiday in Ireland, only religious. Now Dublin has a huge parade. Does it bother my Irish genes? No. You are free to partake or not.

    • Renee
      October 13, 2019

      Well said

    • KatinkaStinkletheFirst
      October 13, 2019

      Telling a person of color that they have more important things to focus and to relax while their own rich, deeply meaningful and ancient traditions are commercialized, because YOU, yourself feel comfortable in your whiteness trampling on and through other peoples’ cultures is the peak of ignorance. I mean, you have just defined what white culture is and proven to the internet that you are a “thinking” and breathing manifestation of its legacy. HI-HO CUSTER -AWAY! You have just proved the point of her piece. How’s it look up there from YOUR god-like white crystal horse ? Columbus much? As far as white traditions go, Christmas is often called x-mas and there’s about as much solidified cultural meaning and religion in the mass celebration of it as there is in a walk through CVS. Also, in what corner of cornbread-no book-reading -piss booze-loving-gentrified-square-dance-hall-America are they celebrating the Chinese new year? False equivalence. Some traditions and souls will not comply with their simultaneous devaluation and comodification just because Americans aim to brand the term “melting pot.” A melting pot where people and cultures go to be blanded out and drown by imperialism and the “illuminated” voices of the usurpers is not a melting pot anyone should be bragging about. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Ordering Chinese take-out is not celebrating Chinese New Year. Taco Bell is not celebrating Mexican cuisine. The team name Washington Redsk**s does NOT aim to celebrate First Peoples. North Americans have no place thinking they are the first and last words in the discussion of meaning and safe-guarding of cultural practices. The People get to keep their Sun Dance. Guess you didn’t get the memo. This calling of the author to action-gimme a break. If YOU want a holiday white people can’t got wrong with, YOU should make one for us, we’ll call it WalTargetH&M Day, where we all just wear brand name shit while standing in a circle jerk around the flag, while blasting house music and fervently praying that the Irish easter bunny brings us eternal authority over those whom we aim to know nothing about.

      • Hayley
        October 13, 2019

        “cornbread-no book-reading -piss booze-loving-gentrified-square-dance-hall-America ” that is one of the funniest things I have ever read. Like, it is so discriptive.

      • Ariana
        October 24, 2019

        Wow! Thank you deeply for your beautiful, heartfelt words. You are so right! It’s so important to uncover our spiritual heritage, while respecting and paying close attention to the messages deep within other people’s. I grew up in Bisbee AZ where the Mexican culture still thrives. I’m grateful to have been a white person that grew up close to such a spiritual and colorful country as Mexico. You are an excellent writer. Thank you so much for sharing.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        September 18, 2021

        I donot find my Aryan heritage ,nationality ,race, ethnicity, racial group, ethnic group comfortable ,conveniently which is not trampling on or through nonwhite cultures of nonwhites which is not the peak of ignorance globalization ,globalism ,leftism and your white far radical extremist fringe leftist ,neo-Bolshevik,Judeo-Bolshevik ,Bolshevik ,communist ,cultural Marxist ,militant socialist movement,social democratic,Marxist ,social justice warrior ,black supremacy, black identity extremist ,ideology trampling on Aryan culture, white nationalism, national socialism ,Aryan traditions,Aryan customs ,Aryan technology,Aryan national sovereignty of Aryan nations ,countries ,Aryan national independence of Aryan nations ,countries , Aryan national ,racial , ethnic ,religious ,cultural identity by poisoning our educational ,academic school system ,our academic, educational school boards ,educational ,academic school institutions ,education ,academic school programs ,the media ,news ,television ,newspapers ,literature ,books ,novels ,television shows ,radio channels ,songs ..no ,technically I have not proven her point her point is not valid ,true ,credible .. I got the memo you bitch donot say in that disrespectful manner, tone, way you bitch ..donot call us white people just only call us whites not white people ..donot say Iam up there on a white crystal god horse you are on a far fringe radical extremist far leftist false made up moral high ground high horse false made up narrative get off your goody-goody two-shoes ,pietist made -up false moral high horse and goody-goody two-shoes ,pietist false made-up moral high ground .we are not usurpers donot call us usurpers who are not blending ,melding together when we are not usurping no one .Donot put illuminated in quotation marks when we are illuminated minds and voices of wisdom ..Iam not on a white crystal god horse ..the tolerant ,compassionate ,passionate ,equal ,benevolent ,boot -licking bleeding -hearted ,radical ,fringe ,extremist ,merciful ,militant left ,far -left ,center-left,moderate-left are not who they saying or claiming they are because they are fascist ,nazis who take extremist ,radical ,fringe tactics ,strategies directly out of the Nazi ,fascist ,brown-shirt playbook

    • thegeekygaeilgeoir
      October 16, 2019

      Sounds like you didn’t read the whole article. She’s actually welcoming people who want to observe the holiday…just not those who want to appropriate the bits they find “cool” or appealing and leave the rest.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 20, 2021

        It does not sound I read the whole entire article when i when I did do not say she is a racist beaner klantifa soyviet ,latrino female soyboy ,a latrino XXI equivalency ,equivalents ,equivalence brownshirt ,a female latrino nazi ,a Latrino white supremacist .

  5. Victorya
    November 1, 2018

    The Spanish under rule of the Catholic church brought the tradition we celebrate today, to Mexico. All Hallows Eve, All Saints day, All souls day. Mexico took on what was forced onto them by Catholic rule and created a new beautiful tradition. It became a combination of what the Aztecs started 3000 years ago and the church’s saint and soul celebrations. The Aztecs actually celebrated in summer originally. It was the Spaniard invasion that birthed the version we have today. Culture and tradition should always be honored but it is up to us to do so. Nothing belongs only to one person or tribe, seperation is an illusion, a lie. We are all of one source. Many shades of brown are we. Our bodies are the clay of the earth only. The Source that powers your temple is the very same Source that powers theirs. Unless they are soulless ones. The best way to remove a problem is to be the solution. Don’t focus on the problem instead create, live, be, and teach, the solution. Only feed your energy towards things you wish to bring to life. Bless you my sister. And may your ancestors and loved ones surround you and lovingly accept your blessed ofrendas. 💧🍃 🌎 🔥

    • Jotoro Cujo
      January 25, 2022

      Aztecs were not around three millennia ago Olmecs ancestors of Aztecs were it were Olmecs ancestors of Aztecs who started it three millennia not Aztecs because Aztecs were not around three millennia ago Olmecs ancestors of Aztecs were

  6. Jack
    November 2, 2018

    Eh, it’s no big deal. People’s misunderstandings usually lead to more misunderstandings. I guess one has to hold onto whatever one can. My Mai and her grandmother were both born on this day. But to be honest the day doesn’t mean much to me, except perhaps a little curiosity is all. Her grandmother was supposedly a white witch. But really I wouldn’t take it too personally, because these supposed thoughts and arguments will really lead nowhere except to more arguments. If that’s what you really want. Pretty much everything is BS. But really isn’t every single day the day of the dead, in terms of Jesus Christ?

    • Normandie Kent
      September 14, 2019

      Jesus Christ has nothing to do with this. Christianity was forced onto the indigenous people in the Americas. Judaeism, Christianity and Islam was never meant for everyone, lest of all Indigenous people from other continents , Judaism was very localized and the origin story was only for a small group of Middle Eastern goat herders, and it spawned the worlds organized religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and most Native American people do not celebrate this foreign religion. DITD is an Indigenous spiritual and cultural tradition that practice ancestor worship!! This is a sacred spiritual practice, that will be commercialized, bastardized, sullied and it will be turned into a commodified and commercialized drinking party day like Cinco de Mayo or Saint Patricks Day. Ultimately destined to be made into a bland White American day that has been stripped of its origins, its Culture and spirituality for the culture-less “White American” appropriators and consumers. Anything that the colonizers can make a quick buck on! Even their own “Religious” holidays meant to be sacred have been prostituted into something perverted and disgustingly commercialized. In fact, noting is sacred to these European colonizers!!

      • Alex Andre
        September 14, 2019

        Welcome to the uSA madafaka

      • alicenow
        September 14, 2019

        Lol Normandie. it isn’t THAT bad. Actually many NAs are evangelical Christians or other type of Christian. I am sure you realize exchange of cultures happens everywhere, including Mexico where Halloween is popular. Guess you didn’t know most cultures had celebratory fests for death and ancestors. The Druids did and it became Halloween. Druids were British and Celtic, and there are many more Druids now in the US. Do be sure to check your hatred cuz you are oozing. How dare you use hateful words against “white Americans”. btw, I have no idea why you put that in quotes. Really, get help. You are obsessed with colonizers.

    • Alex Andre
      September 14, 2019

      Agreed. That’s American culture. Deal with it. Don’t even know why this chick is upset, she’s Boricua, we don’t even celebrate that holiday.

    • Hayley
      October 13, 2019

      First off you’re assuming everyone is Christian, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Secondly that’s like saying isn’t every day Christmas because of Christ, so why bother celebrating or having any traditions.

  7. depreciated
    November 15, 2018

    It’s a Mexican holiday, not a Hispanic holiday nor Latino holiday.

    I’m a white male born in the United States and you are a Puerto Rican also born in the United States.

    Neither one of us is Mexican, so using your logic, neither one of us should be celebrating this particular holiday.

  8. Virginia Powers
    December 13, 2018

    I am white and I want to first say thank you for this post..that is 100% sincere.
    What brought me to your post was that my husband and I have friends from El Salvador they are a beautiful couple. We have known Ricardo for a couple of years. His girlfriend came into the picture about six months ago. She is learning English and we have been basically teaching each other our languages. Okay promise I have a point just wanted to give a bit of the why behind my reason for reaching out.
    So, we have a decorative skull on our bookshelve and I didnt think much about it until today when we had them over. After they left I was for whatever reason thinking we dont know what it represents and then I was thinking that could be bad if it represents something that is offensive towards our friends or anyone at all. So I started to search and that is how Ianded on your post.
    I dont want to be offensive or disrespectful and would love to hear your input. And please I am not so sensitive that I cant handle a straightforward answer. Which after reading your post I feel confident this is where I will get a straightforward answer.
    Thank you so much for speaking up and speaking out. Our entire country has become a mess and lack sensitivity or better put sensitivity is misplaced and lack the need to understand anything anymore.
    Again thank you and Iook forward to being educated.

    • alicenow
      December 15, 2018

      Lol what a ridiculous post. Our “entire” country is a mess?? That is such an erroneous statement. But of course you yourself are part of the mess, since it’s the entire country, yes?

      • Jotoro Cujo
        November 3, 2020

        it is not a ridiculous post you’d post is ridiculous Iam not part of the mess you are because your leftard ideology not my national socialist,white nationalist ideology no not since it is not the entire country what an idiotic , moronic statement you stated it is not an erroneous statement it is an observation of facts which donot matter to you and you donot care about facts .I have nothing to do with the mess the entire country is now because you caused this mess which the entire country is because of your Demorat cult

      • Alice now
        November 3, 2020

        Lol Jotoro, rethugs are so funny. You actually sound Russian. Get a job cuz you obvi have too much time to post hate.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        November 3, 2020

        We are not rethugs you antifatards ard thugs not Republicans and Republican conservatives in the Grand Old Party the part of the people by the people of the people while you Blacks Lies Matter black supremacist ,black identity extremist thugs and Nazi domestic terrorist brown shirt SA Strumabteilung extremist communist thug SJW Antifatards are not for the people by the people and of the people just like your Demorat SJW cult who are thugs not us Republicans,Republican conservatives in the Grand Old Party .I donot actually sound Russian you actually sound like a whiny Karen who cannot stop munching on carpet and never getting dick by a man . I actually sound more American than you ever will be .no ,I donot have to get a job you should get a job because you have too much to post your Trump derangement syndrome .it is because not cuz use proper English not your backwards ,lazy slang. I donot have too much time to post hate when I post facts not hate you .you should leave the United States if you donot like the Grand Old Party and Republicans,Republican conservatives which helped create the United States and saved the United States .

      • Alicenow
        November 3, 2020

        Lol the US was founded by those who chose to incorporate separation of church and state and they did not promote one religion over another. They also ruled a well regulated militia could have guns, not homegrown terrorists. You are very anti gay, anti woman and anti rights. Reap what you sow,Comrade. Btw your posts are so repetitious and without proper punctuation lmao

      • Jotoro Cujo
        November 3, 2020

        Republicans,Republican conservatives are not homegrown terrorists you Demorats are .no the United States was founded some Republican ideas and concepts. Iam not very anti gay ,anti woman and anti rights you are very anti rights ,anti straight ,anti man, antiChristian , anticisgender.I will not reap what I sow ,chickens will come back to roost for you not me . I like women ,gays and rights you donot like rights ,men ,straight heterosexuals because of drinking the Kool Aid from Demorat media .you are a smug ,self conceded ,delusional,deluded, arrogant, ignorant Karen in the Ku Klux Karen with a can “I speak to your manger “ haircut? who cannot dick and keeps munching carpet because she cannot get any dick .my posts have proper punctuation and are not repetitious your English is bad and your posts are repetitious not mine my .good will come my way when Lady Luck comes my way not yours .donot call me comrade ,Karen .nothing bad will happen to me .the Demorat cult started the Ku Klux Klan a homegrown extremist organization not us Republicans,Republican conservatives in the Grand Old Party .you Demorats are funny .Demorats are homegrown terrorists created Black Lies matter black supremacist,black identity extremist thugs with Nazi ,SJW ,Strumabteilung, Sa brownshirts Antifatard thugs ,homegrown terrorists Lady Luck is on my side along with G-D ,Yeshua,the holy spirit, the holy ghost ,the holy trinity.us Republicans, Republican conservatives in the Grand Old Party are not funny .you are also very anti-G-d .you are mad you cannot get dick from a man and have to munch carpet ,because those college degrees will not get you a job because they are worthless degrees with no merit .you use lazy slang not proper English leave my posts and my grammar out of this .

    • marianwhit
      October 15, 2019

      Good comment. I LOVE the DOTD art forms (as made by their artist creators). I also have a moose skull in my garden covered with moss. They both remind me of the sanctity of each day. I am hoping I am not doing anything wrong. I appreciate world wide art, and believe I am supporting the artist from whom I buy. Maybe that just confirms my consumerism, but I always felt it was in support of self expression.

      • Alice now
        November 3, 2020

        What could you possibly be doing wrong?? Art is art for everyone

  9. Eric Johnson
    December 26, 2018

    First off, I don’t hate mexicans and I don’t celebrate day of the dead. What I truly dislike is the blatant disrespect and racism some mexicans have towards people that aren’t like them. It’s become the “norm” for mexicans to blatantly spew racist comments directly to other races in everyday non-confrontational situations.They think it’s a joke and usually do it when other mexicans are around. The fact is, the USA is still very “clicky” and people hang out in groups based on their race, identity or cultural status. My good friend is Mexican and he often conveys how he dislikes some mexicans because they throw fast food trash out the window or because they trash talk him because he’s more Americanized that some in his neighborhood. This blatant disrespect and bullying mainly in the US is not helping us win the battle against racism. Either you are a part of the solution or you are a part of the problem. Together we are strong, divided we are weak. One Love in Unity.

  10. Eric Johnson
    December 26, 2018

    Anyone in this thread that insults, someone or a certain race straight out, is the problem.

    • alicenow
      December 27, 2018

      Like the author of the article

    • Eric Isatwat
      October 14, 2019

      You JUST said “It’s become the “norm” for mexicans (sic) to blatantly spew racist comments” (and other bullshit) and ended with “Anyone in this thread that insults, someone or a certain race straight out, is the problem.” I disagree with the first statement and wholeheartedly agree with the last. You’re an asshole.

  11. Stephanie P
    January 5, 2019

    Greetings Aya,
    Just adding my two cents…
    I’m a 56 year old white antique Jersey girl researching Dia de los Muertos. I’m now an Arizona resident, and it’s everywhere, so I thought I should at least understand it. Like most white East Coasters, at first I thought it was kinda creepy. Then a Mexican acquaintance told me you are honoring your dead ancestors with love and happiness, with bright colors, flowers, and families praying together. How beautiful! Wow, was I wrong! What a wonderful way to deal with death and grief. Of course I want to do that – but I don’t really know how. I need to learn more, and what better way to learn than from people from your culture? So some of us old white folk do want you and need you, tbh. I’m quite aware Dia de los Muertos is not my custom – no, so far from it – but I would like to participate. It is my sincere hope that that is not cultural appropriation. It’s cultural admiration. And lol, you are so right about Halloween being a Wal-Mart holiday! Now that’s creepy!

    • alicenow
      January 6, 2019

      Stephanie, you know what I think is creepy? A white person putting down their own culture. I know Hispanic folks who don’t like Dia de los Muertos cuz they think it’s creepy. If you regard Halloween as a Walmart holiday, you are remiss in your research. It is a very old Druid festival, despite its present trappings. Will you also put down Day of the Dead since it is readily being commercialized? So, quit sucking up, it’s ugly.

      • Hayley
        October 13, 2019

        Halloween is not an old Druid Festival, Samhain is. Halloween is the commercialized modern holiday based off of it. It is also completely separate as many people still actively practice and celebrate Samhain. They are not the same thing at all.
        And when a great deal of a person’s so-called culture involves this stealing of ideas and practices and traditions from the people they have literally slaughtered I think it’s perfectly okay to feel a little down on some of the culture

      • marianwhit
        October 15, 2019

        US citizens have a culture? Please describe!

      • Donna Lake
        October 16, 2019

        Halloween is not ” a very old Druid festival…” Samhain is the pagan tradition from which the Christian, All Souls Night, or All Hallows Eve, takes its roots, and Halloween is essentially an American tradition that has pretty much always been a plastic Walmart type function but it grew out of the Christian version. Additionally, Dia de los Muertos originated in Europe, (where Ancestor veneration was cross cultural, especially in the Basque regions of Spain, where BTW, they still wear kilts and play bagpipes) and came to Mexico with the Spaniards. Finally, the face painting and the dressed up Calavera Catrina (the Elegant Skull) is a fairly recent occurrence. It first showed up in a 1913 etching by José Guadalupe Posada, who used it to make a political commentary. It had little to do with Day of the Dead celebrations.The bottom line is that everyone dies, and most cultures have a way of acknowledging death and the departed. The traditions this blogger is accusing people of ‘colonizing’ do not necessarily ‘belong’ the the Mexican culture, and are aside from the very real fact that the way the US government is treating Mexicans is reprehensible.

  12. Pingback: Le boom du paganisme – Pagan Boom – pourquoi les jeunes se tournent vers des religions non traditionnelles – OWDIN

  13. Concerned Citizen
    April 1, 2019

    Just found this article. It’s interesting. Now this cultural appropriation, does this take in to account, how the whole latino culture has appropriated Scottish Tartan and plaids with denim jeans as an official outfit. As a descendant of Scottish people I find this highly offensive and continue to ponder why no one of hispanic lineage, that seems so immersed in the defense of cultures, are not shouting from the mountains that their people need to stop this.

    • KatinkaStinkletheFirst
      October 13, 2019

      @Concerned Citizen. Barring being Jewish, white cultures aren’t among those that have been historically and systemically oppressed. If a person of color wants to wear a kilt, it is not appropraition because they are not from the dominant culture. Appropriation happens when the dominant culture (usually white euro-americans) incorporate or take art , dance or aspects of religion from a less dominant culture without authorization to do so. This incorporation is appropriation because it lacks necessary understanding of background and context. If you are part of the dominant culture, people who aren’t from that culture can’t appropriate your stuff, that’s how cultural appropriation works. When you’re culture is all pervasive, you ate not a minority subjected to the whims of the dominant culture. Get a grip. Not wanting POC to wear Tartans is just straight up racist. The call for white people to not appropriate cultures they’re not a part of does not solely translate to “we don’t like when you wear our dresses and face paint.” It’s the CONTEXT, the subjugation throughout history, and the lazy ignorance of those who only want to take what something looks like without taking time to learn the depth and meaning that makes it appropriation. Now, if you were actually Scottish, from Scotland, living in Scotland and didn’t want the ENGLISH wearing Tartans, you’d be a nationalist but you’d at least have a point.

      • Bill Buggen
        October 16, 2019

        “Barring being Jewish, white cultures aren’t among those that have been historically and systemically oppressed.”

        That is plain ignorance of history. Come back when you have read a book, not just recited from dull-minded sociology bulkpacks.

  14. Pingback: Vida’s First Halloween’ Is A Cross-Cultural Win – Naomi Alabi

  15. Colleen
    October 11, 2019

    I haven’t read writing of this quality, in a long time. Your ideas are expressed so clearly, and heartbreakingly true. It is evident you have given this much thought. I moved to Mexico, and can appreciate your sentiments, after witnessing firsthand how Dia de los Muertos is celebrated here.
    Thank you for shedding light on this topic and the other issues pressing on our hearts. Hopefully young people are listening and learning. Holidays do not have to be about commercialization. Let us respect the authenticity of them!

  16. Bex
    October 11, 2019

    Found the Nazi… 🙄

    • Bex
      October 11, 2019

      (when I said Nazi I was definitely talking about the jotoro person, to clarify)

    • Jotoro Cujo
      September 24, 2020

      Iam a national socialist not a nazi there is a difference Nazi is a slur, an epithet against us national socialists you leftard ,antifatards you antifards are nazis not us national socialists ..you antiftards act like nazis and fasciss not us national socialists .a nazi is not a national socialist which antifatards are .

  17. Catherine Dalton
    October 12, 2019

    Thank you. As a white Pagan, I hear what you are saying. And honey. You and yours are welcome at any Celtic ritual I celebrate.
    I do honour your culture. As a cook, I tried making sugar skulls, cuz, cooking. They are HARD to make, and damn, start in like July if you want them to ever dry!!!
    As a Pagan I feel connections with a number of cultures.
    Across the Veil that separates us from our Beloved Dead, there is no appropriation, or dishonouring other traditions. There is only love and hope that they will be remembered and we will honour them by living our lives well.
    I raise my glass to you and yours, and wish you health and happiness! Hail ALL our Ancestors!!

  18. Cannon
    October 12, 2019

    Samhain Celtic origins of Halloween

  19. S Valis
    October 12, 2019

    Wow. She hit all nails on the head. Bravo!

  20. Lucy
    October 12, 2019

    Thank you for sharing this Aya. I’m really sad that some of the comments from white people are so disgusting. They don’t actually sound like they come from humans. I myself am white and although practice spirituality in a more authentic way, I know that I myself could have got caught up in something like this without even thinking of your perspective and looking more deeply at what this festival means to the people from which it was born. I’m grateful to learn more and hear you share how you feel. Sending you big love and I really hope people will stand up for your voice .

  21. cneajna
    October 13, 2019

    It might also be good to note that even Mexicans who celebrate the holiday, also commercialize it. I’m not complaining when I mention this, but it is a fact. Go to Tijuana and visit any of the little shops there that sell ceramics or artwork. Almost every one has some form of Dia de Los Muertos. The items are beautiful and whenever I’m there I try to bring back a few pieces because I appreciate the creativity and talent that went into making them. I have respect for the holiday, but I still enjoy the artwork it creates and represents. The best part of my family is from Mexico. They are some of the hardest working out there and for the ones who are either unaware or just forgot, without them you wouldn’t have much in the way of fresh produce. So, if you are racist like Joturo Cujo, maybe you should stop eating vegetables and fruit because it was most likely picked by a Mexican.

    • Jotoro Cujo
      November 3, 2020

      Iam not racist you are a leftard who wants to import illegal,illegal immigrants into our country and communities by flooding us with them you should stop drinking Fanta which us white nationalists and national socialists created

  22. Pingback: Samhain and Day of the Dead, 2019 – Gus diZerega

  23. Paul
    October 14, 2019

    My ‘white people’ ancestors were considered an “inferior race” (inferior to Nordic-Americans) and opposed by the KKK because we are non-Anglo.

    The ones Columbus brought (from the Iberian Peninsula) destroyed the Native people of the Caribbean (in 40 years),….

    …. Then imported & enslaved Africans (for 400 years.)

    (Aren’t we supposed to talk about THIS, during Hispanic Heritage Month … ?)

    In any case, I respect you, and your ancestors, very much. And I am glad we are neighbors.

  24. Lily
    October 15, 2019

    I read past the racial slurs, made it through the mis-information about how other cultures acknowledge death, just about through the whining that none latin people had organised celebrations where no one from the latin community had stepped forward to do so, but at that point I’d reached my stupid quota for the day…

  25. Bobo Trinkles
    October 15, 2019

    The only problem with this article is the author claims it’s her holiday and traditions… And even puts a photo of herself all painted up……but she states her Latin heritage is Puerto Rican. Her people don’t even celebrate it in Puerto Rico… So what gives her the right to tell others not to? Because she grew up around others who do? There’s also a ton of white people who grew up around the Latino community with people who celebrate it as well. Your no different from them because your people didn’t traditionaly celebrate it either.

  26. Bill Buggen
    October 16, 2019

    Sorry. Day of the Dead has NO Puerto Rican background whatsoever.

  27. Pingback: Dear White People/Queridos Gringos: You Want Our Culture But You Don’t Want Us – Stop Colonizing The Day Of The Dead – The Chaos Cat

  28. mirante
    October 17, 2019

    she is latino… this means presumably she is a mixture of spanish conquistador and native heritage. it means also her tradition is syncretic, created from the incorporation and blending of at least two cultures. One of which was responsible for the first colonisation, the one that decimated 90% of indigenous american tribal people. this strict division and categorisation of ‘white people’ from spanish forebearers seems somewhat confused, as does laying the blame for destruction of native people at the feet of white ancestors, whereas it mainly occured through spanish forebearers of whom many contemporary central american people carry in their own blood. if cultural appropriation wasn’t troublesome enough as a concept, this piece seems quite ignorant about ethnicity and history.

    • marianwhit
      October 18, 2019

      Awesome thoughts…mic drop. I think cultural appropriation is worth exploring intellectually, having just returned from an awesome bit of fusion dance and music. But not sanctimoniously. We all need more choices in life…the commercialization of everything is what cheapens and devalues it.

  29. M.
    October 18, 2019

    I am Mexican, (I really don’t get why a Puertorrican-American feels the need to raise her voice about issues that are not in her own culture and knowledge, sorry, I appreciate the attempt and sympathy, but this doesn’t concern you) the Day of the dead that even most Mexicans nowadays have incorporated has not much to do with the original traditions, furthermore, it was transformed into what it is now (and it is still evolving) as a cultural product by…. Hollywood! There used to be no parades and not asking for calaveritas without the USA Halloween (stolen from Samhain). So even if a bit biased for the whole seasonal celebration (which is my own favourite time of the year) I see this as cultural exchange, and as a way to make people aware of the Mexican culture in general. I still see the “original” (syncretised really) ways held both in Oaxaca and Michoacán, and even if they now extend and adopt and mix, the part that is sacred is still taken in its family way. We all gonna die just as we all were born, and I salute how Día de Muertos make people develop a different relationship to the concept of death, more light-hearted and less fearful, and this is also another reason for celebrating this cultural exchange. Day of the dead would have never grown to be what is today in mexico, without the influence of Halloween and Hollywood. So while I support the author of the article about accepting people movement, I don’t see a basis for claiming colonisation. Day of the dead was already a colonisation product with the syncretism of Spain imposed faith, and its resilience overtime is a sign of the strength of Mexico and Mexican peoples. Long live to the day of the dead, however it evolves for the global culture, it will remain sacred in the cemeteries and homes of those who hold the fire. if anything, thanks for making all of this surrounding celebrations a total fiesta. Now, can everyone benefiting from this send a donation to any social relief charity in Mexico? That would really be cool and would show real appreciation and gratitude.

  30. P.C.B.S.
    October 19, 2019

    Woman you need to learn to mind your own business!!! Trying to argue how white, or anyone for that matter regardless of race, celebrate Dia de los Muertos. DO you own the right s to Dia de los Muertos!?!? Do you go around and make sure that any white person in sugar skull makeup is educated on Latin American history and being culturally sensitive??? What if there are non-white people in sugar skull make up, then what??? Fuckin wannabe victim, politicly correct, double standard garbage. And now you are trying to take the fun out of Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, by placing racial/ethnic/nationality lines of seperation on them. Who the hell are you!?!? Mind your own damn business woman!!! Let people celebrate Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, Samhain, etc how they want to celebrate it/them!!! Damn people trying to take the fun out of anything they can!

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 22, 2021

      Thank you

  31. debzzzz
    October 21, 2019

    You Sir, are an asshole. Aryan? You seem to think so. But guess what, we all started out in Africa.
    There is no pure white, you ignorant man.
    And you calling this woman all of your degrading names, just shows me that you are a very broken man.
    Hate will never win, all it will do is kill you.

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 28, 2020

      Iam not an asshole you are one .we did not all start in Africa only your ancestors did not mine who started in Atlantis on Mount Olympus .there is pure white whether you like or not .Iam not a very broken man .white nationalism ,national socialism will always win not your leftism which is not hate.I made a factual argument not degrading her with names which I did not .white nationalism and national socialists will not kill you or will save you and uplift you into enlightenment .leftism always will kill you .you donot think I know for sure you donot think so because your minded is clouded in hubris and ignorance .

  32. Pingback: Long Read: Día de los Muertos & Cultural Appropriation – Open Window Books

  33. Ariana
    October 24, 2019

    Wow! Thank you deeply for your beautiful, heartfelt words. You are so right! It’s so important to uncover our spiritual heritage, while respecting and paying close attention to the messages deep within other people’s. I grew up in Bisbee AZ where the Mexican culture still thrives. I’m grateful to have been a white person that grew up close to such a spiritual and colorful country as Mexico. You are an excellent writer. Thank you so much for sharing.

  34. Francis
    October 27, 2019

    I like how she said indigenous not Indian’s most native Americans like myself don’t like to be called Indian’s!!!! We’re not people with the red Dot on our forhead!!! Either call us natives or native Americans not Indian’s!!

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 22, 2021

      you are American Indians Indios with red skin not native American that is politically controlling bullshit

  35. Mike G
    October 31, 2019

    This is the night when the gateway between

    our world and the spirit world is thinnest.

    Tonight is a night to call out those who came before.

    Tonight I honor my ancestors.

    Spirits of my fathers and mothers, I call to you,

    and welcome you to join me for this night.

    You watch over me always,

    protecting and guiding me,

    and tonight I thank you.

    Your blood runs in my veins,

    your spirit is in my heart,

    your memories are in my soul.

    With the gift of remembrance.

    I remember all of you.

    You are dead but never forgotten,

    and you live on within me,

    and within those who are yet to come.

    Happy Samhain

  36. Joel
    November 2, 2019

    Dear Stupid Lady,
    You say you’re Puerto Rican and yet you want to complain and bitch about a Mexican Holiday and whatever white people and their mighty Walmart did to monopolize and corrupt it. You know what, you’re right. The next time I see Dia De Los Muertos festivities going on at a Walmart or Dollar Tree or whatever evil-white establishment thats trying to steal and capitalize on “your” culture, Im gonna freak out, destroy all the merchandise, and when I get arrested, Im gonna say, “This is for that stupid Puerto Rican bitch and that Mexican holiday thingy she claimed was hers, except it actually wasnt. Damn all you white people straight to depths of hell.”

  37. Annye Love
    November 2, 2019

    Thank you, Aya, for your letter to “Dear White People.” As a white woman, I appreciated being welcomed to a celebration of Día de los Muertos at the bilingual service last Sunday at my UU church. There was an altar and cascades of marigolds, thoughtful readings both in Spanish and English by mixed blood children, music sung in both languages, and our Mexican-born sweet Madre Minister officiating over it all. It was respectful, heartful and tears flowed. I wore the necklace with the jade heart my father had bought for my mother in New Zealand during WWII. She died when I was 11. Yeah, you’re right, we have forgotten how to sit with our beloveds who have crossed over, so this was so important for me. I am grateful to the gracious Mexican people who have always welcomed me with open arms, as I speak Spanish with them which I learned as an 8-year-old in Vieques, PR when my parents moved there as missionaries. Two years there and one year into living the rest of my childhood in St. Croix, my mother died of breast cancer at age almost 34. Her bones still lie in the old Anglican cemetery in Christiansted, but how I long to bring her back home to Corpus Christi, TX where she and my father grew up and where I was born.
    But one trouble I have with your letter is the word “colonizing.” It’s being used a lot lately, and I know, in a way, it means “taking over.” I realize that it is used to try to emphasize the brutality of what dominating white power has done to the world, but your letter is very personal. Do you mean that you want white people to stop commercializing Día de los Muertos the way society has done with Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and all the other yearly sacred rituals that corporate America has coopted for its stockholders gains? Yes, we’ve all bought into it, along with Hollywood and the giant controlling music industry. Our world is run by The Godfathers of industry, and we succumb to the visual lure of color and sparkle. But they have no respect, and they have colonized and numbed all our minds with their parasitic and paralyzing games, and we have all bought into it! I think what we need is to learn Respect in a new healthy way! Colonizing is what industry does. White people and non-white people alike buy into entertainment by whatever color. As human beings, we need to respect each other from heart, but that will only happen as we begin to get back in touch with our hearts!

  38. Marlow
    November 2, 2019

    You just need to take a nap.
    Oh white people white people white people. Say what you want about this weird holiday.. you dress up in costumes, drink alcohol, and have parades. Wrong, we don’t want your culture. Ours is fine. You are right about one thing we don’t want you, just you in particular. Everyone else is welcome to immigrate legally and become an American, we don’t care if you aren’t white.

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 20, 2021

      No I do not need do not tell me I need to take a nap to have to you should your shut your pie you are a racist antifatard brownshirt nazi leftard soyboy ,soyviet ,cuck ,cuckold ,far -left ,authoritarian left ,center-left ,moderate left winged white supremacist .you are the problem not us

  39. Gary Basky
    November 2, 2019

    But Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday, not a Latin@ holiday, and since you are not Mexican you are the same band-wagoner passenger as any white person, Day of the Dead organized by for example Puerto Ricans with performance by Jennifer Lopez. is just as out of place as the one organized by Italians with performance by Madonna.

    Oh and by the way, “white people” are not some monolithic group, you don’t have a clue who celebrates what, you are an arrogant and an ignorant bigot. I feel sorry for your children.

  40. Andi
    November 3, 2019

    While I can in some ways respect this article and feel its passion I must however point out that the world is a very big melting pot no matter how much people seem so divided. As to speaking for ones culture and the fundamental beliefs behind Dia De Los Muertos I am personally fascinated by it but in a way that maybe you should also consider.

    As a person of Irish decent I will remind you that it wasn’t long ago that my people were not welcome here either. Why I find Day of the Dead fascinating is that it directly parallels my own cultural decent. According to Irish mythology, Samhain (like Bealtaine) was a time when the ‘doorways’ to the Otherworld opened, allowing supernatural beings and the souls of the dead to come into our world; but while Bealtaine was a summer festival for the living, Samhain “was essentially a festival for the dead”. I grew up in Texas frequenting the border towns with my best friend (the grand daughter of Mexican immagrants). My own Great Grandparents came from Ireland. I respect the sacrifices that are made by those seeking a better life for the generations to come after them.

    Please do not paint us all with the same brush because after all isn’t that what you’re accusing all white people of doing. Maybe we can agree that we aren’t as different as we would like to believe, that we are and it’s our cultural similarities that bring us an understanding of eachother.

    • Jotoro Cujo
      March 7, 2021

      I donot have to take a nap you should

  41. Chris
    November 3, 2019

    Using your same logic. Make sure you thank white people for Christmas this year while you’re celebrating… Just curious. Did you stop to appreciate white folks while your kids were out getting candy on Halloween?.. Also, are you related to the Aztecs? There were many more Native groups in the Americas other then the Aztecs. Claiming it as yours when your more than likely not, is no different then an Irish man claiming German traditions as his own.

    • alicenow
      November 3, 2019

      Thank you Chris

  42. Big0
    November 3, 2019

    can anyone locate joturo and expose him?

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 29, 2020

      try it see what happens .

  43. Alistair Rodger Fairbrother
    November 4, 2019

    I know this is a hard topic to touch on first thing is first starting that fact that all white skin coloured people are all the same is wrong just because a good few people have done it doesn’t mean you blame every single white coloured person out their as that is plain Racism in my point of view plus I don’t celebrate always helps to do your research on stuff instead of pointing fingers are people and try to resolve issues in more of an appropriate manger instead of acting on what you think is fully going on with the statement you have made on social media is halfly wrong because people of white skin colour as the group of that your wanting to Target not all of them celebrating plus we live in the 21st century were we celebrate diversity in all its great ways why don’t you in joy life because with that mind set will only cause hate and your be the one left unhappy if you choice to live in that unhealthy way of thinking people just need to put their differences aside and except people for who they are no matter what skin colour, culture, religion or sexuality as humans as a whole need to show love and not hate

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 20, 2021

      Do not call white skinned colored people that is anti-white and reverse racist

      • Alicenow52
        October 20, 2021

        White people aren’t white. We are peach colored. True story.

      • Jotoro Cujo
        October 22, 2021

        Whites are white and peach colored do not call us white people just only call us whites it is not a true story .

  44. Edna San Miguel
    November 21, 2019

    We don’t want your cultural and we don’t and your Dead anything. We want you to get over yourselves, your mystic fantasies and go back to Mexico where you came from. No this is not Aztlan, and no this is not where you plant your corn, dance your spirit calling dances. If you did your History right and stop listening to the Communist USA Party, you would learn that 99.9 of all “Mestizos” are Real Tribal members of another Nation. The Israeli Nation and the communist have you attacking your own people in Israel and supporting the murderous Palestinian. You are Sephardi from the Tribe of Judah!

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 22, 2021

      No they are they are Hispanican’ts ,Hispanicunts ,Latrinos beaners ,spics ,wetbacks are a mix of white Japhethites ,American Indians Indios ,black negroes Ethiopians negroids not just only white Japhethites ,red American Indians you are not Jews ,Jewish Judeans , Judahites ,Israel , Israelites ,the lost tribes of Israel, the twelve tribes of Israel no Sephardi Sephardim Jews are not apart of the tribe of Judah the priest tribe they are Issachar and Asher that is plastic fake nigger Jewish Israelite Hebrew gentiles propaganda fantasies made by fake plastic nigger gentiles

  45. Edna San Miguel
    November 21, 2019

    AYA DE LEON********HERE IS YOUR REAL HISTORY*****Literally “from Leon” in Spanish, Deleon is a toponymic surname associated with the city of Leon in Spain, where Jews lived since the 10th century. In some cases De Leon is a translation of the Hebrew Arie (“lion”). Arie is the biblical ‘by name’ of Yehuda.

    • Jotoro Cujo
      February 28, 2022

      No they are they are Hispanican’ts ,Hispanicunts ,Latrinos beaners ,spics ,wetbacks are a mix of white Japhethites ,American Indians Indios ,black negroes Ethiopians negroids not just only white Japhethites ,red American Indians you are not Jews ,Jewish Judeans , Judahites ,Israel , Israelites ,the lost tribes of Israel, the twelve tribes of Israel no Sephardi Sephardim Jews are not apart of the tribe of Judah the priest tribe they are Issachar and Asher that is plastic fake nigger Jewish Israelite Hebrew gentiles propaganda fantasies made by fake plastic nigger gentiles

  46. Stefa
    December 29, 2019

    I truly appreciate your view, and your standards. People have disrespectfully appropriated the holiday as great another reason to drink… As someone who values the heritage of traditions, I thank you. Thank you for having a voice when most of us don’t .

  47. darkman7233
    January 5, 2020

    White people don’t give a shit about your stupid ass day of the dead shit or your culture .

    • Maria
      June 19, 2023

      White people in America don’t even have culture so of course you dont care because you never had any to begin with. And Dia de los Muertos is way less stupid than Halloween, the actual holiday (not drinking and painting skulls on faces) is much more beautiful and unique than anything white americans have. So mexicans don’t really care for white people’s “culture”.

  48. Pingback: Educate & Activate: Cultural Appropriation | Feminist Book Club

  49. Honest Joe
    September 11, 2020

    Keep in mind theres probably 95% chance that you’ve got that evil gringo blood in your veins. Pretty rare for somebody to come from a hundred percent Aztec descent these days. So get over yourself and learn to love everybody.

    • Honest Joe
      September 11, 2020

      To the author hamster seeing your picture I’m sure of it. Be careful who you disparage you just might be one of them no matter how much you want to deny it. While the article is absolutely ridiculous and insulting… It still feels pretty shitty to be connected these assholes with their ridiculously racist comments I that are three pages long filled with nothing but hate and insults… Doesn’t it you White devil in disguise.

    • J
      June 30, 2023

      Lol gringo is not a race and mixed race people are not fully white so they’re not the same thing

  50. Juan Sanchez
    September 11, 2020

    After all that this bitch is it isn’t even Mexican. How misguided are you? it doesn’t matter where you grew up plenty of white people in the Southwest. You virtue signaling culture vulture. I got news for you you Puerto Rican you got European blood in you. You genocidal colonizing land stealing slave master. How dare you appropriate someone’s culture for yourself. As ridiculous as that sounds it still holds more weight than your entire article. Stop looking at the world through eyes of hate.white people aren’t responsible for your problems only you are

    • Jotoro Cujo
      October 22, 2021

      Thank you.

      • J
        June 30, 2023


      • Jotoro Cujo
        July 2, 2023

        Do not tell me me shut up you nigger

      • Jotoro Cujo
        July 2, 2023

        J Do not tell me what to do you nigger

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This entry was posted on October 31, 2014 by in Uncategorized.

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Aya wins first place Independent Publisher Awards for UPTOWN THIEF, THE BOSS, THE ACCIDENTAL MISTRESS